By HiExpat Team

1. Can you talk to us about your family, father and wife?
I´m married to Kariam Sabando who is a doctor as well and we have 2 children, our son that will graduate as a lawyer son and our younger daughter that´s 4 years old said that she wants to be a Neurosurgeon. We like going to the beach and love sports. I try to maintain a balance in the phases of my life and my family is always one of my priorities.
It is an international award given by the International Organization for Medical Research Training (IOCIM), a distinction to give merit to a constant effort and dedication for outstanding work and exemplary performance exhibited throughout professional life, intending to provide quality health for the nations. This award was given to me in Puerto Iguazú-Argentina 2019. We attached a photo.
It is worth mentioning that in 2022 I received another distinction (Award) by the same organization: Prize to MEDICAL SUCCESS (IOCIM AWARD TO MEDICAL SUCCESS) on May 28th, 2022 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
I should mention that I also currently hold two scientific representations in my country: I have been the current Neurosurgery Council for AO SPINE LATINOAMERICA in Ecuador for the last 3 years and also the current representative of the South Zone of the Spine chapter of the FLANC (Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies).
3. We want you to tell us the level of effectiveness of your surgical procedures and the technique you use and where you acquired it.
The effectiveness of the procedures in my specialty of Neurosurgery and High specialty of Spine Surgery is approximately 97% in brain procedures and close to 99% in spine procedures. I can say that the patients I operate on do not seek me out because of some publicity but because they are recommended by another patient I have operated on or by another medical colleague who knows my results. Fortunately, I have not had any problems with any patient in my career since I am not only characterized by having high technical effectiveness with optimal results but also for knowing how to indicate with good judgment and honesty the procedures. You can check my Google business reviews.
My two specialties of Neurosurgery and High specialty of Spine Surgery were performed at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery "Manuel Velasco Suarez" in Mexico City, the main hospital for these specialties of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). I performed these specialties from 2008 to 2016. Attached titles and on the website you can download apostilled titles and curriculum.
In addition, I have made improvements in minimally invasive techniques at the forefront of the world in the United States, Brazil, and Colombia. I keep myself in constant technical and scientific evolution.
4. Also, about the technology you use, tell us a little bit about it
In my brain and spine procedures, I use state-of-the-art technology that fortunately exists in Ecuador in almost all our provinces for the past 8-10 years, which allows us to perform first-world surgeries at a lower cost for being a developing country.
Such technologies include: Neurosurgical microscope, state-of-the-art endoscopes and exoscopes, ultrasonic aspirator, neuronavigation, and minimally invasive tubular systems. This technology reduces the risk of injury and prioritizes the least damage to the tissues, thus optimizing the results and ensuring that patients have a speedy recovery and rapid return to normal life.
5. Can you tell us Dr. Duval, how we can reach you and make an appointment with you?
The phone number for appointments is 0968414286, which is active 24 hours on WhatsApp as well as landline calls. In the early morning hours, we also have priority attention, thus achieving a high rate of availability.
You can also send us a message to our emails: and
You can find us on Google and visit our website, which has a direct link to WhatsApp. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT OUR WEBSITE HAS THE OPTION OF VISUALIZATION IN ENGLISH (by scrolling the main menu in the upper right quadrant). On our Website, you can find among other things academic formation, titles of both specialties and their registrations, curriculum, procedures, etc.